Why Squarespace?

The Top 4 reasons I love using Squarespace for client websites

Midway through 2023, I announced that custom Squarespace sites are now an official Good Day service!!

After 3ish years of working on websites behind the scenes for select clientele, I decided it was finally time to expand websites as an across-the-board offering.

In the few years I was creating websites behind the scenes, I spent time researching and experimenting with different solutions. I have whole-heartedly landed on custom Squarespace sites as the best across-the-board solution and want to explain why! Let me tell you more about it!

01. Never be afraid of your website again!

This is a big one! If you are a small business owner, odds are you will want or need to make small changes to your website at times. Whether it’s posting a blog, swapping photos, or highlighting a special, the last thing you want is to AVOID making these changes because you are intimidated by your website. Your website should be a tool for your business, not a barrier.

I recently spoke with someone who scrapped their website and started over - on Squarespace! - because she was so frustrated with the blogging process on her professionally done ShowIt site.

(Disclaimer: I have nothing against ShowIt, WordPress, Wix, or any other platform. I just have a lot to say for Squarespace. This info is here to help inform! There are plenty of reasons to use another platform and these are simply the reasons I love Squarespace as a solution. I also have no financial ties or affiliations to Squarespace, so this opinion is purely personal.)

Every website I work on ends with a tutorial on how to make updates to your site. This is done on a recorded video call, so you can revisit these tips any time you want! Plus, I’m a real person with an inbox so any time you have a question - I’m here for you! You should never be in the position of feeling like you are stuck, like your website is holding you back, or just plain fear of “breaking it”. These are the issues I hear over and over again from clients - and the ones I feel most motivated to make sure you never feel again!

02. Fully Customizable

This isn’t your granddad’s Squarespace and template isn’t a word you’ll hear around here. Squarespace has grown and evolved in HUGE and exciting ways from their early days.

While it’s true there was a time when you were more limited in your website design or needed pro-status coding knowledge to achieve the look you wanted, those days are long gone. Squarespace got its start by offering sleek, modern templates with a user-friendly interface. While this was great for a DIY website, one of the biggest pitfalls was that your website could easily end up looking like everyone else’s out there.

If you were to browse the template categories, choose one designed for a photography business, and then make minimal changes other than swapping out the photos and words for your own content, you get lost in a sea of sameness with all the other photographers taking the same approach.

While you can still take this same approach today, when you work with Good Day, each and every page is started from a Blank Page. That means each bit of content added to every page is designed specifically for you.

Having a professional custom Squarespace site gives the best of both worlds - a unique, powerful, engaging site that you won’t be afraid to update after we hit publish.

03. Efficiency First

You, me, and every business owner I know appreciate a quick turnaround time. The Squarespace platform and a streamlined process on my end make that easy to guarantee! How so?

  • All-in-one platform: Squarespace consolidates hosting, domain registration, and design tools into a single platform - aka you have less to keep track of! (Fewer passwords to manage? Yes please!) You can even easily add an email address using your domain name - professional and simple!

04. Mobile-friendly Magic

Hey, you know your best friend Google and that really fun ongoing game of hide-and-seek you hate to play?

Mobile responsiveness is one of the tools in your kit to win that game! Search engines like Google prioritize mobile-friendly websites in their rankings and Squarespace makes responsive design easy! There’s a mobile view in the editing mode to ensure a fully mobile-friendly experience on every page.

Desktop Editor

Mobile Editor

Not only does mobile-friendly design keep the Google gods happy, but a positive mobile experience encourages users to stay longer on your site, which means more opportunities to share with them!

Squarespace sites have the benefit of being on a platform that is very invested in staying ahead of technology updates. That means as more mobile devices are introduced to the market you can remain confident that your site will remain responsive for all new devices and screen sizes - with no extra work on your end. Squarespace has automatic updates so you literally never have to worry or wonder if you are up to date with the latest mobile devices.

Ready to make a splash in the digital world?

To wow your clients?

To feel more confident in your web presence than ever before?

It may be time for your own custom Squarespace site!


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2023 Client Projects: Logo Roundup